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File: 110796_aaclz_01.txt
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    SGHS (Ma] Lieberman) 17Apr91 -
    After-Action Report
    SGAX - Mobltity
    1. Reference: (RCS: HAF-SGH (AR) 7901)
    2. Concept: Deptoyed FFCK7 to 31st TAC Hospitat in support of ATH by augmenting surgical and orthopedic operating capability. The  ATH provided air base support during Operation Desert ShieLd/Storm from September 1990, to March 1991. FFCK7 deployed from 7 Jan 91,  to 14 Mar 91. The ATH was located in ctose proximity to the Z3rd TAC hospital ATH, the 8th and 201st Army Evacuat10n Hospitats. The  23rd provided base support and the Army hospitals provided subspeciatty backup in addition to their primary mission which was to  treat evacuated front line casualties. Secondary missions of the ATH were to provide support to the Army in case of overftow of
    patient load and to receive patients from the Aeromedicat Staging facility whose condition deteriorated white being air evacuated.
    3. Significant Activities: The members of the FFGK7 were first notified of the possibility of the mission on 19 Dec 90, and were   deployed en route to the site on 7 Jan 91, but could not arrive at the ATH unlitfit the evening of 14 Jan 91, due to transportation  problems. 48 hours after arriving at the FFGK7 was integrated into the ATH work schedule. Each member of the group was given an initial dose of Anthrax vaccine which was repeated 6 - 8 weeks later and a 7 day supply of Ciproftaxacin to be started if anthrax was identiffed. Nerve gas pretreatment pills were started on the first notification of Desert Storm and continued for 1 week. Work  consisted of 24 hour care of the base personnel, establishing coordination with nearby medical facilities, bioenvironmental testing,   education, evaluption of medical preparedness and of medical intettigence. Following the land war, we were informed that we could   begin gradually down-sizing our facility in preparation for redeployment to CONUS. The facility was packed and our group was    redeployed on 13 Mar 91.



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