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File: 110796_aacwn_04.txt
Page: 04
Total Pages: 6

 Equipment: 17 Apr 91 - 22 Apr 91

 5. MANPOWER: Personnel listing and Manpower documents are
 included at Attachments 3 and 4 respectively. Man-hours to
 pre-plan, support, and report on this operation were not
 tracked or documented.


 Admissions: 197
 - Outpatients: 6480
 - Prescriptions: 12810
 X-rays: 1158
 - Lab procedures: 4482
 Patients regulated: 67
 - Bed days: 477

 7 PROFESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Medical intelligence report
 for KIA included in 354th Tactical Hospital Report.

 8. FLIGHT MEDICINE PROGRAM: Reference 354th Tactical
Hospital After Action Report.

 A. Title: Table of Allowances deficiencies
 (1) Observation: The Table of Allowances does not
 provide adequate equipment or supplies to meet current
 standard of practice/care.
 (2) Discussion: The following are TA deficiencies
 encountered by various sections of the ATH:
 (a) Pharmacy: Severely deficient in several
 key therapeutic areas including chemical warfare antidotes,
 muscle relaxants, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories.
 Needed equipment and supplies include labels, spray bottles
 filter needles 18 G lOO's, warning labels, syringe spring -
 load lO's,- label dispenser, and tablet counting tray.
 Detailed list is included at Attachment 1.

 (b) Surgery/OR/Anesthesia: sharps containers,
 bovie cords, sharps counters, suction liners, liga clips and
 appliers, skin staples, staple removers, disposable suction
 tubing, internal stapling instruments, various surgical
 instruments, ATTEST cidex pans, ATTEST incubator, bovie


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