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File: 110796_aacwn_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 6

 completed until medical supply is inventoried and packed
 which cannot be done effectively while operational sections
 are pulling supplies and Coronet Bandage I is operational.
 Also, unless Surgical Ward increment one assets are moved
 into Coronet Bandage I tentage, tents cannot be disassembled
 and packed as each increment is deactivated.

 (2) Conflicting instructions from CENTAF and TAC
 caused considerable unnecessary work. CENTAF instructions
 directed that non-TA medical items (equipment and
 expendables) that were purchased in AOR be comingled within
 the section for which they were purchased. Subsequently
 after redeployment, TAC directed removal of all non-TA items
 causing reaccomplishment of inventories, many packing and
 load lists, and palletizing.
 medical care included emergency services; primary care;
 general surgery; orthopedic surgery; internal medicine;
 mental health; and ancillary services consisting of
 laboratory, radiology, and pharmacy. Initial material status
 at deployment was somewhat degraded by exposure to the
 elements both at the beginning and end of the deployment
 phase. However, initial stocks were near those required by
 the TA. The lack of an universally excepted formula prevents
 an accurate calculation of days of supply. For further
 details, refer to Pharmacy After Action Report (Atch 1) and
 Deployment Lessons Learned (Atch 2). Once operationally
 ready, mass casualty plans were developed with all co-located -
 medical units. Various exercises were developed to test -
 plans and individual/team skills. The range of exercises
 included peacetime mass casualty response, aeromedical
 evacuation, and conventional and chemical attack response.
 In addition, exercises were balanced with individual skills
 training -- Chemical Casualty Care Course, ATLS, EMS
 -recertification, and functional in-service training.
 Alerted for deployment: 04 Aug 91
 Deployment: 10 Sep 91 - 16 Sep 91 -
 Operationally ready: 1 Oct 91 (all increments)
 Terminated operations: 8 Mar 91
 Completed repack: 11 Mar 91
 Personnel: 11 Mar 91 - 15 Mar 91 (except
 marshalling team)
 Equipment: 15 Apr 91 - 20 Apr 91
 Arrival Home Station:
 Personnel: 13 Mar 91 - 31 Mar 91 (including key
 staff and marshalling team)


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