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File: 111396_aacvt_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 71


      On 7 August 1990, the president ordered US forces to deploy to
      Southwest Asia. The first USAF units to deploy were the 1 TFW
      Langley AFB, VA with 24 F-l5Cs and the 552 AWACS, Tinker AFB, OK
      with three E-3As. The F-15s flew non-stop and landed at Dhabran
      AB, SA in less than 15 hours.  According to plan, maintenance 
     support packages were on the ground and began regenerating the
      fighters as soon as they touched down.  In less than 12 hours, F-
       15s were flying combat air patrols (CAP) over Saudi Arabia. This
       scene was duplicated at sites tbroughout tbe area of responsibility
       (AOR) over tbe next several months until the build-up was complete.
      Aircraft deployment was accomplishbed in two phases. In Phase I 740
      aircraft moved to SWA; in Phase II another 489 aircraft deployed
       for a total of 1229 USAF aircraft, the last arriving after tbe air
       campaign began in January 1991. This successful build-up was a
      result of a sound plan, and its professional execution by 
       individual units and the ability of planners and doers to be
       flexible.  The TAF deployment concept of aviation packages
       intermediate level maintenance (ILM) packages, and follow on spares
       kits (FOSK) packages proved effective. The aviation packages
      consist of the aircraft, and personnel, to include pilots,
      maintenance, avionics ILM for F15s, ECM test stations, LANTIRN test
      stations, supply and security personnel as well as supplies to
      support flying operations for 30 days. These aviation packages
      deploy from a single location and routinely deploy and train as a
      unit. Thirty days after the deployment of the aviation packages,

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