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File: 111396_aacvt_06.txt
Page: 06
Total Pages: 71

       technology proved itself in combat with amazing success. These new
       weapon systems posed some logistics challenges, but LGM coordinated
       a world-wide support effort that resolved each of them and led to
       historic high mission capable rates for both unique aircraft. With
       the January 15 deadline rapidly approaching we were faced with two
       grounding egress safety time compliance technical orders,
       applicable to F-l5s and F-llls, however both were successfully
       completed ahead of schedule, providing our aircrews with the best
       in survivability. During Desert Shield-Desert Storm, LGM was
       instrumental in establishing three forward operating locations
       (FOL). The FOL at Al Jouf, SA was used by Special Operations and
       A-l0s. King Khalid Military City (KKMC) was used as an integrated
       combat turn base for A-l0s and F-16s. Up to 150 sorties were
       turned through KKMC daily. King Fahd International Airport served
       as a FOL for a squadron of F-16 LANTIRN aircraft. LGM personnel
       performed site surveys, sourced equipment, personnel and worked
       with civil engineering and contracting to have an enlarged ramp
       constructed at KKMC. These FOLs proved invaluable in the quick
       turning of close air support and battlefield air interdiction
       aircraft and keeping the pressure on Iraqi forces. During Desert
       Storm our aircraft flew at much higher than expected average sortie
       durations (ASD) and flew a higher sustained UTE. LGM discovered
       and identified this to the supporting commands and Air Logistics
       Centers. Depots began to surge production of critical time change,
        engine and airframe components based on data provided by LGM. This
       enabled our units to fly 66,128 sorties during Desert Storm.
       Mission capable rates through out Desert Shield-Storm were

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