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File: 111396_aacvt_05.txt
Page: 05
Total Pages: 71

      on the performance of F-16 avionics and the amount of airlift (one
      C-5 aircraft per sguadron) required to move an AIS, LGM decided to
      deploy only one AIS per base vice the normal one per squadron.
      Housing the large computer test station type ILM in tbe theater
      posed very few problems. Some avionics ILM test stations were
      deployed in mobile NAV Air shelters, with the only limiting factors
      being large airlift requirements and requirement for a heavy lift
      forklift. Other aircraft Avionics test stations were housed in
      Harvest Falcon temper tents and general purpose shelters, and host
      nation facilities. Bare base avionics ILM in Harvest Falcon assets
      was as efficient as ILM housed in permanent facilities and mobile
      shelters. Some additional ECM ILM were later added to support the
      high number of combat sorties. This was not unexpected and was
      easily integrated into existing ILM facilities. A mobile Precision
      Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL) was established at Riyedh
      to service the entire theater. This lab located at the crossroads
      of intra-theater airlift proved highly successful in supporting Air
      Force and many Army and Marine requirements. An additional lab was
      available for theater deployment, but was not required. During the
      Phase II plus-up, USCENTAF built a bare base in central Saudi
      Arabia. This location became home to the largest operational
      tactical wing in the AOR, LGM was involved in all aspects of the
      planning process.  Once aircraft composition for this desolate
      location was determined, LGM established an ILM support plan and
      tailoring of individual support packages. The F15E with its all
      weather capable LANTIRN system proved invaluable in its first ever
      operational test. The F117 with state-of-the-art stealth

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