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File: 111396_aacvt_08.txt
Page: 08
Total Pages: 71

       The deployment for Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm was
       unprecedented in size and complexity in the history of the Air
       Force and USCENTAF Contracting played an integral role in the
       successful deployment, beddown and employment of USCENTAF forces.
       Although the beddown locations were twice as many as anticipated,
       spread out among six countries, the contingency contracting
       policies, procedures and concepts developed by USCENTAF contracting
       proved to be an unqualified success. Specifics include:

       Unlike exercises, almost all Air Force units deployed their
       flying squadrons ahead of their support units. Since the beddown
       locations were "bare base" from a personnel support standpoint,
       USCENTAF sent contracting officers to those sites a day in advance
       to set-up local contracts for billeting, food service, bottled
       water, transportation and forklifts so the arriving forces could
       concentrate on warfighting requirements. Critically short airlift
       was then able to move munitions, refueling equipment and aircraft
       spare parts. This initiative was so successful, USCENTAF
       Contracting was tasked to do this at 13 locations - many of them
       simultaneously - all of them successfully.

       Since USCENTAF Contracting personnel deployed on the first
        aircraft we were tasked to provide all contracting support for  HQ
       operating locations in the Riyedh area and 14 associated/attached

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