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File: 111396_aacvt_09.txt
Page: 09
Total Pages: 71

         units. Overall, we supported over 6000 people in tbe Riyadh area.
         Over 13,000 contracting actions worth almost $18 million were
         written between 7 Aug 90 and 30 Sep 90 to support these units.
         Responsiveness was of paramount importance - 70% of the purchase
        requests were bought, picked up and delivered to the customer
         within one or two days after receipt.

        Although port handling and inland transportation (PHIT) is tbe
        responsibility of USARCENT,  USCENTAF Contracting was tasked on
        several occasions to contract for offload of ships and
        transportation of critical assets to our operating locations. The
        contractors responded to the challenge - off loading critically
        needed munitions, special purpose vehicles and Harvest Falcon
        assets from ports at Jeddah, Abu Dhabi, Muscat and Raysuit to
        various beddown location. These contracts were valued at more
        than $200,000.

           The contracting environment in the Middle Fast is a real
        challenge. There are many impediments to competition and obtaining
        fair and reasonable prices. There are "political" sensitivities
        that must be overcome. Security is also a problem because some
        vendors are not allowed on certain bases due to the employment of
        Yemenites, Jordanians, or other third country nationals without the
       proper security documents. In addition, many host nation
        commanders "suggested" vendors they wanted us to do business with.
        This, coupled with the urgency of virtually all the requirements
        makes this an extremely tough environment to get fair and


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