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File: 111396_aacvt_11.txt
Page: 11
Total Pages: 71

         be guaranteed. During Threatcon Charlie conditions, contractors
         were also restricted from entering installations. Some D-Day
         requirements for immediate contracting action included halon for F-
         16's, fuel trucks, linehaul trucks, concertina wire, sand bags,
         crash recovery vehicles, Hi-speed Copiers for ATO production and
         3/4" VCR tapes for aircraft gun cameras.

         With the cessation of hostilities, the USCENTAF Commander
         established a policy to cease new contract requirements except
         those required to support the redeployment. Therefore, most of the
         contract effort shifted to terminating contracts, paying claims
         for damaged facilities/rental equipment, canceling contracts and
        making final payments to close out contracts. The contracting
         officers were among the first in at the beginning of Operation
         Desert Shield/Desert Storm, and they will be the last ones out in
         order to close out all claims, finalize invoices, and handle all
         other loose ends. Contracting support at each base will usually
         involve the same types of support required at the start. Base
         closure teams who are tearing down tent cities and reconstituting
         vehicles will require hotel, food service, transportation, and
         other miscellaneous services the last few days.

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