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File: 111396_aacvt_10.txt
Page: 10
Total Pages: 71

         reasonable prices. Some creative contracting initiatives taken to
         overcone these obstacles were:
         a. Competitive quotes
         b. Migration away from General Trading Companies to
        c. Finding redundant sources of supplies
         d. Networking with other contracting officers
         e. Coordination of big buys to avoid "bidding war"

        Even though most items requested were available within tbe AOR
         (saving time and valuable airlift space) certain items had to be
         purchased from the CONUS. Typically, these were medical supplies
         and equipment, vehicle parts, communication equipment, computer
         hardware/software and accessories. The USCENTAF Contracting office
         at Shaw AFB S.C. was set up as an East Coast Contracting office.
         We were able to work with both contractors and the Air Force
         Transportation system to expedite deliveries. In many cases, we
         were able to flow the items to Riyadh where small items could be
         put on Star/Camel flights for intra-theater flights to final

      The 1 November 1990 Implementation Plan between the U. S. and
        Saudi Government called for the Saudis to assume contract
         responsibilities for food, water, transportation, facilities and
        ground fuel provided to U. S. forces in Saudi Arabia.   USCENTAF
        transferred to the Saudis 141 contracts valued at $20.2 million per

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