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File: 111396_aacvt_16.txt
Page: 16
Total Pages: 71


         Supply/fuels support was performed at a scale never conceived
         before in the history of the Air Force. In some cases, supply
         support occurred according to wartine contingency plans. In
         others, innovative means were devised to support the mission. It
         was a team effort, from all MAJCOMs in tbe CONUS and Europe, to the
         individually deployed wings in the theater. The supply effort was
         a success story.

        The 1.3 billion dollar Harvest Falcon program proved itself
        tbrough its support in austere conditions. With 40 percent of its
        assets prepositioned in Oman, initial deployed units were supported
        with air transportable packages of shelters, tents, and equipment.
        As the build-up of forces proceeded, additional Harvest Falcon
        assets located at three prepositioning sites and two prepositioned
        ships were sourced and airlifted/sealifted into the  theater.
        Originally designed to support 30,000 personnel, 14 beddown
        locations, and 750 aircraft, it actually supported over 55,000
        personnel, 25 beddown locations, and 1,229 combat aircraft.
        Accountability of these assets were maintained on computer programs
        that informed USCENTAF/LG their exact location and where
        shortages/overages existed. As the drawdown of forces continue,
        Harvest Falcon assets will be reconstituted at three sites in the
        AOR to support other possible contingencies that may arise in the

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