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File: 111396_aacvt_24.txt
Page: 24
Total Pages: 71

        Fuel support within the AOR was an enormous undertaking. In
        addition to supporting 1,229 US aircraft, fuels personnel also
        supported other services and allied aircraft. Fuel was issued free
        of charge by the Saudi government. It was observed by AF fuel
        experts this was the purest jet fuel they had ever seen. Since
        Desert Shield-Storm began, over 890 million gallons of jet fuel
        were consumed.  To store and issue this much fuel, over 100 R-14s,
        Air Transportable Hydrant Refueling System, 200 R-9 Refuelers and
        over seven hundred 50,000 gallon fuel bladders were employed. In
        addition, USCENTAF fuels personnel coordinated several
        interoperability fuels issues with our Saudi hosts and USCENTCOM.
        These issues ranged from loaning the Saudis R-14s, arranging off
        shore tanker deliveries; arranging fuel resupply with tanker
        aircraft at deployed locations, assuring fuel guality, and
        installing and training on the use of fuels mobility support
        equipment. In all, over 111,000 US and allied combat sorties were
        flown as a result of fuel support by USCENTAF. Also, our fuels
        personnel managed/coordinated use of the Aerial Bulk Fuel Delivery
        System to move over 300,000 gallons of fuel to sites as far north
        as Kuwait in support of allied forces.

        The initial cadre of personnel to establish the Directorate of
        Supply was defined by USCENTAF Rapid Reaction Plan 1301. Sixteen
        supply personnel and three fuels personnel arrived to guide force
        beddown and establish supply programs. In a short time, six more

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