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File: 111396_aacvt_27.txt
Page: 27
Total Pages: 71

	some of our make and model vehicles.

            Parts acquisition procedures were implemented using CONUS
         sources, cannibalization and local purchase on the local economy.
         Vehicle maintenance schedules were modified to compensate for harsh
         environmental conditions and accelerated use. Vehicle status
         reporting was also modified to not only capture maintenance status,
         but to maintain vehicle accountability as well.

            Early on, CENTAF Transportation had only three people to meet
        the magnitude of transportation actions required. Subsequently,
        the staff grew to a total of 16 personnel to run a two shift
        operation with representatives from each transportation discipline.
        To support AOR transportation operations, a total of 1,815
        personnel were sourced and tracked by the transportation staff.
        Data management products were developed and proved invaluable to
        account for arriving personnel. During initial deployment problems
        surfaced trying to account for arriving transportation personnel.
        More often than not, TDY orders did not specify duty locations.
        So, on the spot decisions were made to assign personnel to
        operating locations. Therefore many locations were manned by
        personnel from as many as ten different units. Fortunately, this
        concept proved successful as personnel developed unit cohesiveness
        with a common goal and mission. We are reviewing how personnel are
        deployed to support contingency operations to avoid mass confusion
        and establish unit integrity. The transportation community did not
          deploy the "first" team. Young, inexperienced officers and NCOs            

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