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File: 111396_aacvt_26.txt
Page: 26
Total Pages: 71


          Initially, vehicle requirements were filled from prepositioning
          (prepo) sites in Bahrain, Thumrait, Seeb, Masirah, Coronet Aspen,
         and the prepo ship MV Advantage. Nearly 2600 vehicles were
         distributed to support the first phase of arriving forces. At the
         conclusion of hostilities, approximately 9000 vehicles provided
         transportation support for 25 operating locations. During the
        early phases of Operation Desert Shield, constant site and mission
        changes delayed the positioning of critical vehicle assets and
        degraded transportation support. Once prepo assets were
         distributed, vehicle requirements were then sourced from outside
        the AOR, resulting in extended delivery times due to long lines of
        Communication. To compensate for vehicle shortages, innovative and
        flexible distribution of limited resources was implemented.
        Mission critical prepo vehicles were distributed to more beddown
        locations in lesser quantities than normally planned for in SWA
        vehicle unit type codes. Vehicle shortfalls were filled by
        rentals, Japanese contributions and the Saudi Assistance in Kind
        program. The condition of prepo vehicles being withdrawn from deep
        storage was successful when viewed from a macro perspective.
        However, rubber products, hydraulic lift seals, tires, gaskets,
        belts, hoses, and some electronic components did not hold-up to
        long-term storage. Once these components were replaced, the prepo
        fleet experienced no significant problems. Most vehicle WRSK
        proved to be inadequate to support the fleet. The mix and quantity
        of parts was not sufficient and the wrong parts were stocked for 

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