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File: 120596_aacnq_04.txt
Page: 04
Total Pages: 27

          -                        		NBC SURVIVABILITY
                                                     Concept of Operations
MISSION: To provide deployed location with a capability to
survive during and after, an attack for continued flying opera-
tions with minimal degradation.  This capability employs the
command and control function of the Survival Recovery Center/NBC
Cell, decontamination operations by expedient means primarily and
more detailed by specialized teams if needed, notification of
alarm conditions be means of a base wide siren system and a
Giant Voice system in the Tent City area.  NBC reconnaissance
through the placement of alarm at designated location and the
use of specialized mobile teams, use of a Contamination Control
Area if the situation dictates, and the maintaining of individual
protective equipment to include agent antidotes and personal
decontamination kits.

1.     Nuclear/Biological/Chemical (NBC) Reconnaissance. monitoring
for chemical agents at this location is a joint responsibility of
the Army and Air Force units. Chemical monitoring capability
consists of M8A1 chemical detector alarms, CAMS units, M-8/M-9
paper/tape and M-256 chemical detector kits. NBC
reconnaissance/monitoring taskings are written into a master plan
to include augmentation, locations, and procedures. A master
location map is maintained in the Survival Recovery Center and
2.    Survival Recovery Center (SRC)/NBC Cell Operations. Each of
the following agencies will provide an SRC representative for 24
hour operations: ABO, NBCS, EOD, SP, DE, COMM, Medical, RM, and
Persco. SRC will coordinate pre-attack, trans-attack, and post-
attack support actions and make recommendations to  the CSE/CC
and TFW/CC with priorities for facility repair and UXO response,
communications requirements, medical situations, chemical contam-
ination including agent types, MOPP level changes, and decon
requirements NBC cell will plot chemical information and will
receive and submit NBC Reports laterally and upchannel.
3.    Decontamination: Decontamination will be primarily user
oriented utilizing expedient methods and contamination avoidance
procedures. Expected agents are non-persistent (4-12 hours) in
the present enviornment , but with weather changes, could extend
upward to 77 hours or more. If more detailed decontamination is
required, specialized teams are formed in maintenance, munitions,
transportation,  civil engineers, and medical. Decontamination
tasking/guidance is provided in the decontamination/contamination
avoidance plan

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