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File: 120596_aacnq_05.txt
Page: 05
Total Pages: 27

4. Alarm Condition Notification System. Attack warning notifi-
cation is by a pager activated site-wide siren system. Alarm Red
(air attack for the Army) is a wavering tone for 1 minute, Alarm
Black (NBC contamination suspected or present) is a start/stop, 1
to 2 seconds on and 1 to 2 seconds off, for one minute. A third
signal for a ground attack  is a  combination wavering/solid one
minute tone. The alarm system will be activated by direction of
the 354  TFW/CC from a monitor box located at the primary and
alternate WOC.

5.    Contamination Control Area (CCA).  Three on base CCA locations        .     .
have been designated. The actual site will  be selected based on
actual contamination locations. If the on base location is not
appropriate, an off base location will be scouted out and used.
CCA equipment is palletized for immediate dispatch to the select-
ed  location. All other supplies, equipment, and procedures are
written and coordinated in the Base CCA Plan.

6.   Chemical Warfare Defense Equipment: This equipment is a
high priority and should be stored , if possible, at controlled
temperatures. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight or
stored in closed vehicles  for extended periods. Each individual
is responsible for maintaining a C-1 bag with them in accord-
ance with local guidance. Each unit has the option of the stor-
ing of the "C"  bag in their unit or having base supply store the
equipment.  NBC survivability has published guidance on required
equipment in each bag,  unserviceable lot numbers, and inspection
criteria for each piece of equipment in the bags.


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