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File: 120596_aacnq_06.txt
Page: 06
Total Pages: 27

         354 TFW (DEPLOYED) 					December l990
                              AIR BASE OPERABILITY 
                            CHEMICAL MONITORINO PLAN
         1. Purpose: Chemical Monitoring is  designed to maximize the use
         of available resources and personnel in determining the presence
         or absence, type, and extent of chemical contamination after an
         air or missile attack.
        2. Command and Control: Execution of chemical monitoring will be
        directed by the Wing Commander. Forces specifically tasked
        include:  ABOS/AON, assigned ATH/Bioenvironmental Engineering,
        assigned unit's Facility Monitors/Control Center identified in
        Appendix A, and 101 Airborne Division US Army Tactical Operation
        Center (TOC).
         3. Assumptions: In the event of armed conflict, this installa-
         tion w111 be at great risk from air or missile attack. Enemy
         forces possess various chemical warfare agents and can deliver
         these by aircraft and possibly by variants of the SCUD B missile.
         4. Operations to be Conducted:
            a. After attack reporting by Facility monitors.
         b. Operation and monitoring of  M8A1 Chemical (nerve agent)
         Alarm by Control Centers designated by Appendix A.
         c. Chemical monitoring by teams using M256 Kits, enters and
         M8A1's as listed in Appendix B.
         d. Exchange of NBC or related information between the SRC and
         other military units.
         e. Chemical monitoring utilizing staplex samplers.
         5. Scope of Operation:
         a. The Wing Commander will direct the implementation of chem-
         ical monitoring based on intelligence and/or other warnings of a
          probable air or missile attack.
         	(1) The 554 TFW and 101 Airborne Division share chemical
         monitoring responsibilities at the base. The 101 Airborne Divi-
         sion is responsible for the main terminal area, west runway and
         the Army tent city area.  The 354 TFW is responsible for the A-10
         runway, the Air Force tent city area and the MABCO contract area.
         For more specific guidance refer to the Chemical Monitoring Map
         (Kept in the Survival Recovery Center}.
         (2) The deployment of M8A1 Alarms to designated Control
         Centers shown in Appendix A should begin with the declaration of
         Alarm Yellow or based on the Intelligence threat.

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