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File: 120596_aacnq_16.txt
Page: 16
Total Pages: 27

         DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE                                                             
         354 TFW (DEPLOYED)                             		20 December l990
                               	AIR BASE OPERABILITY
                          	 CONTAMINATI ON CONTROL AREA
           L : To establish a Contamination  Control  Area (CCA) so
         that off-duty personnel can remove their Individual Protective
         Equipment (IPE) to be able to Rest and Relax (RAR) in a shirt
         sleeve environment.
         2. Command and Control: The Wing Commander:
         	a. Designates an individual as the Toxic Free Area (TFA)
         	b. Ensures units stagger personnel being dispatched to the
         	c. Ensures a CCA and TFA plan is prepared and established if
         the need arises.
         3. Concept of Operation:
         	a. Contamination Control Area (CCA): The area where individu-
         als remove their IPE.
               	(1) A vapor hazard can exist in the first part of the CCA.
               	(2) The lines will consist of one (1) set of signs per
                	processing line .
         		(3) Since this is an open air CCA, the mask exchange will
         		not be required.
         		(4) Wing Life support will set up in conjunction with the-
         		CCA to process air crew personnel.
         		(5) ATH will set up in conjunction with the CCA to
        		 process patients/ casualties.
         		(6) The CCA will be located off base in an up or cross
         		wind direction in an uncontaminated area.
         		(7) All vehicles will stop a minimum of 100 yards from
         		the CCA.
        			(a) Walking to the CCA will enable the
        		overgarments/hoods/ booties to off-gas, reducing the need for
                      	shuffle boxes.

         			(b) Vehicle drivers will spot decon vehicle prior
        		 to returning personnel entering the vehicle.
            	b. Decon Area: The area where equipment is decontaminated.



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