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File: 120596_aacnq_17.txt
Page: 17
Total Pages: 27

           Appropriate units will provide personnel to decon their special-
           zed equipment. NBC personnel/augmentees will direct decon/off-
           gas of IPE and related items. 

           	c. Off-Gas Area: The area where items off-gas/dry before
           being tested for removal to a clean area (down/cross wind from
           the CCA).

           	d. Donning Line: Will be established for personnel to process
           for return to a contaminated area.

           	e. Storage Area: The area where clean IPE and specialized
           equipment is stored.

           	f. Toxic Free Area (TFA): The area where personnel RAR while
           off duty. Each unit will be responsible for control of their own
           personnel and resources. They will be responsible for shift
           rotation, sleeping, eating, and other schedules required.

              g. Protective Equipment Issue:

           		(1) Personnel will be issued a new IPE  immediately after
           		processing the CCA.

           		 (2) Protective masks will be decontaminated and reissued.
          		Augmentees will be selected from the TFA by the TFA/CC to decon
           		the masks. 

           4. Personnel: Mission Support will identify augmentees prior to
           CCA operations to operate the CCA. These augmentees will receive
           training from ABOS/AON. Other angmentees can be identified at
           the TFA .

  !        5. Equipment: (SEE ATTACHMENT 1)

           6. Area Diagram: (SEE ATTACHMENT 2) This diagram is suggestive
           in nature and should be used as a guide in establishing the area;
           however, procedural requirements for donning, doffing, decon, and
           storage will not be compromised. -

            7.  Chemical Monitoring:

          	a. The SEC will direct a chemical monitoring team to locate a
	suitable area for the CCA. Three possible sites have Bioenviron-
           	mental selected but use w111 be determined by presence of chemi-
           	cal contaminatoin.

              b. Two M8A1 Chemical Alarms will be set-up upwind from the

         	c. All personnel will be alert for signs of chemical contami-
           	nation, i.e. dead wildlife, abnormal actions of other individu-
           	als, etc.

              d. At first sign of chemical contamination all personnel in

                             .           		14

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