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File: 120596_aacnq_18.txt
Page: 18
Total Pages: 27

            the TFA will mask and don full IPE.  Notification will be by word
            of mouth trough  the use of runners and  the use of portable
            sirens/bullhorns.                .
            8.  Support (Unit Tasking):
               a. TFA/CC will:
		(1) Maintain order and discipline in the TFA and CCA.
                        	(2) Task units for augmentees to assist in the CCA and TFA.
                  	(3) Ensure security of the TFA and CCA.
		(4) Ensure chemical monitoring is conducted during CCA and
                	TFA operations.
               b. Services will: -
                	(1) Be responsible for transportation of food and water for
                	CCA operations.
            		(2) Coordinate with Transportation for vehicle support to
           		 transport water and food to the CCA.
            		(3) Ensure, with advice of Bioenvironmental, decontamina-
           		 tion of food/water containers prior to issue/use.
            		 (4) Ensure all units assigned or attached are included for
             		support for water and food.
               c. Civil Engineers will:
          		 (1) Provide generator support and lighting for CCA opera-
                  	(2) Provide water buffaloes for potable water.
          	  	(3) Coordinate with Transportation for transportation sup-

                  	(4) Provide latrine facilities.
               d. Supply will:
            		(1) Ensure bulk stored CWD equipment is maintained and
           		 periodically inspected.
                  	(2) Disperse bulk stored CWD equipment prior to an attack.
                  	(3) Transport bulk stored CWD equipment to the CCA.
                  	(4) Coordinate with Transportation for vehicle support.
            		(5) Coordinate with TFA commander for augmentation for mask
           		 decon and equipment issue.




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