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File: 120596_aacwy_05.txt
Page: 05
Total Pages: 34

 3. Recommendation: Continue using qualified flight
 surgeons on 100 percent of tactical missions

 E. The large number of aeromedical evacuation personnel
 deployed to Ramstein AB was difficult for the base to

 1 Observation: The large number of medical
 personnel sent TDY to Ramstein AB proved hard to
 support from a logistical standpoint.

 2. Discussion: There were approximate 800
 aeromedical evacuation personnel TDY at Ramstein
 AB. This large number of TDY personnel was a
 difficult number to serve from the standpoint
 of: billeting (personnel had to be billeted at
 four different locations, miles apart), trans-
 portation (personnel needed to be moved from one
 location to another for training and duties),
 pay, and food service. Nurses and medical
 technicians had to be detailed as drivers as the
 base could not support transportation require
 ments. If the number of projected aeromedical
 missions had been realized, nurses and medical
 technicians would have been flying aeromedical
 missions and would not have been available to
 support AECE transportation needs. The task of
 collecting and managing the inspection process
 for hundreds of medical crew oxygen masks each
 month was very difficult.

 3. Recommendation: Hq MAC/SGAX must coordinate
 with each affected base to ensure that required
 command and base level plans are developed to
 support aeromedical requirements. Hq SGAX
 should obtain these completed base plans to meet
 identified requirements.

 F. Contingency kit design is not adequate for war time

 1. OBSERVATION: -Design of the contingency kits did
 not lend itself to functional use during
 Operation Desert Storm.

 2. DISCUSSION: Many problems with contingency kits
 surfaced during this operation. The kits were
 too heavy, bulky, hard to carry, difficult to
 secure on the aircraft, and difficult to trans-
 port back to the stage base after aeromedical
 evacuation mission. The new lime green double
 boilers are even more difficult to use than the
 original container. These new kits have no
 drawers, creating an even bigger visibility and
 storage problem. Additionally, the fold out
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