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File: 120596_aacwy_06.txt
Page: 06
Total Pages: 34

 table found in the lime green double boiler lid
 consistently fell out during use. This lid
 proved to be nonfunctional. Medical crews
 requested that we return to using the A3 bags
 instead. The double boilers were stored and not

 3. RECOMMENDATIONS: Contingency kits should be
 standardized with minimum amount of items
 required to support aeromedical evacuation
 patient. The size and weight of these kits
 should be kept to a minimum to facilitate
 transportation requirements. An immediate
 replacement study must be initiated and a
 suitable replacement funded immediately.

 [ G. War readiness materials (WRM) in Europe failed to
 supports the aeromedical evacuation mission.

 1. Observation: Many critical WRM items drawn from
 USAFE medical accounts to support the aeromed-
 ical evacuation mission were out-of-date, issued
 from obsolete supply requirement, or not stored
 under required climatic conditions.

 2. Discussion: Critical WRM items issued to aero-
 medical evacuation forces deployed to USAFE were
 not usable because they were not properly main
 tained in accordance with WRM guidelines nor
 were the items based on current aeromedical
 evacuation approved lists of required items.
 Personnel were required to inventory and remove
 significant quantities of unusable materiel from
 WRM kits. Excessive staff hours were expended
 by nurses, medical technicians, and medical
 supply personnel in an effort to return WRM kits
 to an operational level. Extensive amount of
 items had to be ordered through medical supply
 channels to restock the outdated, obsolete, or
 otherwise unusable medical supplies. Kit
 inventories over the years have not kept up with
 approved kit table of allowances, resulting in
 WRM kits with obsolete contents. Major critical
 items such as drugs used in cardiac emergencies
 had changed due to either technology or medical
 studies. Old drugs no longer recommended for
 therapy were contained in the kits. The more
 critical the medical item the more scarce the
 supply for that item since keen competition
 exists in the MTFs to retain stock level for
 use with the base population. Resupply of all
 items was very slow. Pallets of special
 equipment and resupply items did not arrive
 until after the war was over. The low shipment
 priority of medical items resulted in pallets of

 Page 6 .

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