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File: 120596_aacwy_10.txt
Page: 10
Total Pages: 34

 K. No comprehensive CONOPS has been developed for
 aeromedical evacuation medical logistics functions. As a 
 result medical logistics personnel do not have a viable
 training program to prepare them for their wartime mission.

 1. Observation: Medical logistics personnel are at
 a significant disadvantage due to no clear
 mission statement, no CONOPS to define mission,
 no UTC or organizational structure, and as a
 result no training package to prepare them for
 contingency operations.
2. Discussion: The aeromedical evacuation medical
 logistics function does not have a CONOPS to
 guide its function when deployed. No supply UTC
 has been developed to provide a viable structure
 for this essential function. Proof of this can be
 seen in the make shift supply arrangements at
 every supply location. Most AECC/AECE locations
 created ad hoc (FFZ99) logistics functions drawn
 from a number of units. Most AECE logistics had
 to go through the ASF to the host MTF. This was
 detrimental to the mission and could have been
 avoided if a CONOPS had been developed to define
 deployed structure. Logistics personnel had to
 'learn as you go' once they reached their
 deployment locations. Since no logistics CONOPS
 exists, supply personnel had no way to train for
 contingency operations. The majority of
 logistics personnel had spent their annual
 tours at home station, preventing proper
 contingency operations training from taking
 place. In summary, a viable aeromedical
 evacuation logistics structure and training
 program simply does not exist.

 3. Recommendation: aeromedical evacuation
 logistics needs to be brought into the
 aeromedical evacuation community immediately. A
 CONOPS needs to be developed, a structure
 defined, and a training program developed as .
 soon as possible

 L. Supply personnel need to deploy to sites early with
 other command and control personnel in order to begin
 setting up base supply and support functions before other
 personnel arrive.

 1. Observation: Supply and command and control
 personnel deployed with or after medical crews.

 2. Discussion: The CONOPS did not provide for the
 - deployment of supply management personnel in
 advance of medical crews. When medical crews
 arrived no resupply functions existed, no

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