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File: 120596_aacwy_11.txt
Page: 11
Total Pages: 34

 inventory had been established, and no restock-
 ing procedures were developed. It usually takes
 at least two weeks to establish a supply
 inventory, document resupply agreements, and to
 establish a restocking system. If aeromedical
 evacuation missions had begun immediately, only
 medical kits brought from home station could
 have been used to support them. Many of these
 kits were not complete and supplies were not in
 place for restocking them

 3. Recommendation: The aeromedical evacuation
 CONOPS must include deployment of medical
 logistics personnel along with command and
 control elements at least two weeks ahead of
 medical crews to develop resupply stock levels
 (tailored to required contingency kit resupply
 items) in MTFs on bases tasked to support AECEs.
 Reserve 915X0 personnel need to regularly deploy
 to wartime locations to inventory assets,
 acquaint themselves with resupply peculiarities
 of their contingency MTF, and assist with
 necessary preparations to quickly establish
 contingency kit resupply procedures.

 M. Computers were not provided solely to support
 medical logistics.

 1. Observation: No arrangements have been made to
 deploy computers to support medical logistics

 2. Discussion: The medical logistics functions in
 all MTFs are now almost completely computerized
 yet no arrangements have been made to include
 computers in the LOGDET for deployed medical
 logistic functions. This results in the
 deployed personnel having to spend endless hours
 writing down requirements, making hand scribed
 inventory lists, and trying to quality check
 supply information. All these manual efforts
 are more error prone than computer entries and
 result in extra time needed to research errors
 and make corrections. In order to be effective
 logistics functions must be able to have easy
 access to computers to run inventories and a
 myriad of other tasks. Computers purchased must
 be compatible with those used in tri-service
 MTFs supported by the aeromedical evacuation

 3. Recommendation: Medical logistic: functions
 must be authorized a computer fully compatible
 with those found in the MTF supporting the AECE.

 		Page 11

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