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File: 120596_aacwy_17.txt
Page: 17
Total Pages: 34

when working around aeromedical evacuation
 aircraft. These items were obtained only
 through a concerted effort by aeromedical
evacuation control element personnel.

 3. Recommendation: Make goggles, work gloves and
 reflector belts/vests a table of allowance
 requirement for Aeromedical Evacuation Control

 V. Standardized training on aeromedical evacuation
 mission aircraft must be developed for all aeromedica1
 evacuation personnel.

 1. Observation: Personnel deployed from tactical
 oriented units were not adequately trained for
 the strategic mission at Ramstein AB.

 2. Discussion: Medical crews were deployed to the
 Ramstein AB Aeromedical Evacuation Control
 Element from both tactical and strategic
 aeromedical evacuation units. Although the
 concept of a 'crew is a crew' has been espoused
 for at least three years, methods have not been
 implemented to put this philosophy into
 practice. The result in Operation Desert Storm
 was the deployment of thousands of medical
 crewmembers who were trained only in-either the
 C-130 or C-141. Since the aeromedica1
 evacuation mission at Ramstein AB was solely to
 fly C-141 missions to either Southwest Asia or
 to CONUS, the assignment of medical crewmembers
 trained only to fly in C-130 aircraft proved to
 be a liability (although a minor one at Ramstein
 AB) rather than an asset because these
 crewmembers had to be assigned to qualified
 C-141 personnel which required additional
 management time and effort. Training must meet
 anticipated requirements for the deployment. If
 strategic and tactical crews are to be mixed,
 reserve training must address this in advance of
 any deployment.

 3. Recommendation: All medical crewmembers should
 be required to qualify in both C-130 and C-141
 aircraft. Training in all aeromedical
 evacuation units should be standardized and
 practiced together in both command post and
 field exercises. It is too late to train after

 W. Standardized training on all medical equipment
 should be developed and provided to all aeromedica1
 evacuation crewmembers

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