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File: 120596_aacwy_16.txt
Page: 16
Total Pages: 34

and patient acuity would not permit the required
 supervision of medical technicians having only a
 three skill level. Medical technicians with
 only a three skill level become a liability
 rather than an asset in a contingency operation.

 3. Recommendation: Medical technicians that have
 not attained their five level AFSC should not be
 deployed in positions which require providing
 patient care under supervision unless written
 waivers are granted and provided to the gaining
 AECE. Many entry level medical technicians have
 useful skills and abilities which would allow
 them to function successfully if deployed in an
 administrative role/requirement.

 T. Some medical crewmembers were deployed without
 necessary immunizations.

1. Observation: Medical crewmembers from various
 units were given conflicting information 
 regarding their immunization requirements
 resulting in the deployment of some medical
 crewmembers without required immunizations.

 2. Discussion: Some medical crewmembers were
 informed that immunizations were to be
 administered against both Hepatitis A and
 Hepatitis B. However, others were informed that
 only Hepatitis A was required. Medical
 crewmembers and other medical personnel did not
 have a standard immunization profile. All
 medical crewmembers deployed to Europe would
 have the same opportunity to be exposed to
 patients from Southwest Asia with Hepatitis.
 3. Recommendation: A standard immunization profile
 should be developed and widely disseminated to
 aeromedical evacuation units when a decision is
 made to administer immunizations that are not:
 included as a standard worldwide immunization

 U. Goggles, work gloves and reflector belts/vests need
 to be part of the aeromedical evacuation control element
 deployment package.
 1. Observation: Goggles, work gloves and reflector
 belts/vests are required for hot
 on-loading/off-loading of aeromedical evacuation

 2. Discussion: Only some personnel deployed with
 goggles, work gloves, or reflector belts/vests.
 These items are necessary for flight line safety
 		Page 16

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