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File: 120596_aacwy_30.txt
Page: 30
Total Pages: 34

Services which is contrary to Air Force
 Regulation 168-4 and Military Airlift Command
 regulations and plans. -

 2. Discussion: Air Force and Military Airlift
 Command and regulations establish a chain-of-command
 for aeromedical evacuation units. The HQ USAFE
 concept of operations for aeromedical evacuation
 did not follow these directives. HQ USAFE
 placed the aeromedical evacuation control
 element under the direct supervision of the
 Director of Base Medical Services. The Director
 of Base Medical Services delegated this super-
 visory responsibility to the Aeromedical Staging
 Facility Commander. However, by regulation and
 by the Concept of Operations for Aeromedical
 Evacuation, all elements of the aeromedical
 evacuation system (including aeromedical evacua:
 tion control elements) are in the established
 chain-of-command of the aeromedical evacuation
 system. This change in the chain-of-command
 structure caused problems in the management of
 the aeromedical evacuation control element.

 3. Recommendation: Follow Air Force regulations
 and allow aeromedical evacuation units to report
 through their established chain-of-command.
 Ensure that the aeromedical evacuation concept
 of operations is published in one Air Force
 level regulation, to include relations pertain-
 ing to: command and control, base medical
 treatment facilities, the aeromedical staging
 facility, and the Theater AECC.

 AQ. Support provided by personnel at Ramstein AB was

  1. Observation: Ramstein AB personnel provided
  their full support to the Aeromedical Evacuation Control
 Center established there.

 2. Discussion: Over 800 aeromedical evacuation
 personnel, not counting the Aeromedical Staging Facility,
  were assigned to Ramstein AB to support Desert Shield and
Desert Storm activities. These large numbers of additional
 personnel were incorporated into Ramstein AB personnel
 support programs in a smooth and efficient fashion.
 Everyone was more than willing to help even when their own
 resources were stretched to the limit. Among other, some
 of this great support came from Col George Meyer, 315 AD
 Clinic; Col Jack Stratford, 1964 Communications Group
Lt Col David White, 377 Services Squadron,. Mr A1 Tremaine,
Billeting Manager, and all of the personnel in Accounting
 and Finance, and Transportation.

 Page 30

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