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File: 120596_aacwy_29.txt
Page: 29
Total Pages: 34

 	formal course and on-the-job training for
  	medical service corps officers so that all
  	personnel assigned to management positions are
  	deployed with the same basic understanding of
 	aeromedical evacuation operations.

 AO. 	The Air Force Reserve peacetime command and
 authorization structure in aeromedical evacuation causes
 management difficulties after deployment. 

 1	 Observation: It is hard to establish a command
  	structure and management team after deployment
I  	due to the peacetime structure of aeromedical
 	evacuation in the Air Force Reserves.

 2. 	Discussion: The senior UTC authorization for
 	the aeromedical evacuation element at Ramstein 
 	AB was a Lieutenant Colonel 09016. A Lieutenant
 	Colonel 09016 was deployed as the Ramstein AECE
 	commander. However, a Colonel 09016 deployed
 	himself from CONUS in a Major's crew management
 	position. Nurse unit commanders and chief
 	nurses deployed as medical crewmembers. The
 	assignment of these senior personnel make it
 	difficult to establish a deployed command and
 . 	control structure. Some medical crewmembers
 	voiced a concern that their senior personnel did
 	not approve of some instructions provided by the
 	AECE management. These crewmembers were
 	concerned of actions which would be taken at
 	their home station if they followed AECE
 	policies not approved of by their senior
 	personnel. Command and control is difficult
 	under these circumstances.

 3. 	Recommendation: The deployed AECE commander
 	must be identified prior to the deployment of
 	medical crewmembers and other management
 	personnel. Unit commanders and chief nurses 
 	should not be deployed unless they are deployed
 	to AECEs having none of their personnel
 	assigned. The role of unit commanders and chief
 	nurses of units having deployed personnel should
 	be clarified Air Force level regulations with
 	 respect to their deployed personnel.

 AP. The established Air Force command structure for
 aeromedical evacuation was not followed at local bases in
 USAFE causing confusion.

 1. 	Observation: The HQ USAFE concept of operations
 	placed the aeromedical evacuation control
 	elements under the Director of Base Medical

 Page. 29

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