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File: 120596_aacxh_08.txt
Page: 08
Total Pages: 53


CAT - Guidance Allocation Tasking
HF - High Frequency
Hq - Headquarters
HWD - Horizontal Weather Depiction
IFR - Instrument flying Rules
IR - Infrared
IREPS - Integrated Refractive Effects Prediction System
JIC - Joint Intelligence Center
JOAF - Joint Operations Area forecast
JOC - Joint Operations Center
KKMC - King Khalid Military City 
KTO - Kuwaiti Theatre of Operations
LANTIRN - Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night
LRS - Long-Range Surveillance
MVFR - Marginal Visual Flying Rules
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NVG - Night Vision Goggles
OPCON - Operational Control
PGM - Precision Guided Munitions
RLS - Radio Listening Silence
RTNEPH - Real-Time Nephanalysis
SAM - Surface-to-Air Missile
SOCCENT - Special Operations Command Central
SPECAT - Special Access Category
SRC - Strategic Reconnaissance Center (HQ SAC)
SSB - Special Support Bulletin



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