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File: 120596_aacxn_05.txt
Page: 05
Total Pages: 25




         - AIRCRAFT: There are approximately 160 A-10's, 24 F-16s, 16
         C-130s, and  approximately a dozen various AFSOC aircraft located at KFIA.

         SHELTERS: King Fahd International Airport is still under
         construction and there are no hardened hangers or aircraft shelters. There
         are three portable, collapsible hangers used for Tactical Fighter Wing
         aircraft maintenance, and one for AFSOC aircraft maintenance. A massive
         revetment project began in November 1990 to build and place revetments between
         all USAF aircraft. The revetments were received in parts and were assembled,
         filled with sand, and placed into position (initially, a total of 150 were
         received). The revetments are designed to contain bomb blasts and reduce the
         potential destruction of more than one aircraft with one bomb. Estimates of
         the initial phase, based on assigned aircraft (at that time) were that this
         project could take several months, however, the first phase only took five
         weeks. Since the initial phase, the 69th Tactical Fighter Squadron (69 TFS),
         redeployed 24 F-16 aircraft from within theater and will receive two more
         aircraft soon. Also the 41 Tactical Airlift Squadron (41 TAS) redeployed 16
         C-130 aircraft from within theater. The additional aircraft redeployed
         without revetments, however, more were obtained and are being assembled and
         placed into position.
                DISBURSEMENT: (U) Use of aircraft revetments makes dispersal


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