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File: 120596_aacxn_06.txt
Page: 06
Total Pages: 25


               - Fuel: (U)

                  STORAGE: (U) KFIA maintains approximately eight to eight and one
                  half million gallons of fuel in storage on a daily basis. Most or the fuel is
                  stored in the six, 1.6 million gallon storage tanks located south of the MAC
                  runways, in the SAMAREC, Company bulk storage area. Additionally, there are
                  approximately 900,000 gallons of JP-4 fuel stored in 18 portable bladders
                  located along the A-10 and 1st SOW taxiways. Another 105,000 gallons of fuel
                  can be stored in the 21 R-9 refueling vehicles located on KFIA. Fuel is
                  transported by two 6 inch pipes from the Ras Tanura refinery. This new
                  pipeline has eliminated the dependence on tanker trucks for fuel. The
                  pipeline can provide over 900,000 gallons of fuel to the POL a day. In
                  addition, ARAMCO is building a 12 inch pipeline which will provide
                 approximately 1,400,000 gallons of fuel per day to the POL. The projected
                  completion date of the pipeline is 25 Feb 91. Once the new pipeline is
                  completed it will be the primary avenue for POL fuel replenishment. POL
                  sources added that both pipelines could be used in the fuel level should drop
                  to a dangerously low level. 

                  EQUIPMENT: (U) The Fuel Management Office and Fuels Control
                  Center (FCC) is located in a compound approximately 1/2 mile northeast of the
                 bulk storage area in the central water pumping plant. FCC controls mobile
                servicing equipment, hot pit and hydrant crews by hand held radio net. The
                 FCC is responsible for overall control, supervision and status of all
                refueling operations. The fuels management office controls 21 R-9 5000-gallon
                 capacity trucks, and 3 C301 1200-gallon capacity trucks. The C301 trucks are
                  used exclusively to pump MOGAS and diesel fuels. A new hydrant system has
                  been completed and coupled with a fuel truck filling station to allow faster
                 refueling of several R-9 vehicles at a location outside the bulk storage area.
                  The hydrant system extends from the bulk storage area toward the MAC/ALCE.
                  There are-88 ground outlets along this line which can be used as refueling
                  points. SAMAREC has provided 8 hose trucks, which pump the fuel from the
                  ground into airplanes. USAF fuels personnel operate these vehicles with
                  SAMAREC employees.                                               

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