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File: 120596_aacxn_11.txt
Page: 11
Total Pages: 25

           SECURITY: (U) Physical security of the RAPCON site has increased
           to include barriers surrounding their equipment and a 15 person bunker for
           protection. In the event of land attacks, twelve personnel on duty are
           assigned M-16s and 120 rounds of ammunition each to protect their area until a
           Security Police response force arrives on scene.
          - BILLETING: PILOTS -(u) Most pilots, additional aircrew, and 0-6's
          are billeted in be MABCO compound, which is located in the southeast section
          of KFIA. The compound is surrounded by a one thick, cinder block wall
          approximately eight feet high. Be compound is bordered on the north and
          south by compounds belonging to KFIA contractors used to house TCN contractor
          personnel. There are no facilities to be east of the compound. However, the
          201st medical squadron is constructing its facility directly east of MABCO.
          The ECP, which is manned by USAF Security Policemen, is located on the west
          side of the compound. There are approximately 1,300 personnel billeted in the
          MABCO compound, including approximately 150 TAC pilots. The 919th Special
          Operations Group is also deployed to KFIA with 320 aircrew and support
          personnel. The 919th is occupying a compound located just north of MABCO.
          This compound has concrete walls on the north and south sides and no
          significant security. Construction is on-going and security suggestions will
          be provided to the 919th/CC.
          SECURITY: (U) Entry into the MABCO compound is controlled by a
          single ECP with S shaped concrete barricades manned by USAF Security
          Policemen. During daylight hours two Security Policemen man the ECP. During
          hours of darkness one additional Security Policeman conducts a roving patrol
          throughout the compound. Only vehicles belonging to the O-6 residents and
          alert aircraft personnel are allowed entry and parking inside the compound
          property. All other vehicles are parked outside the compound in designated
          areas away from perimeter walls.
          - POWER: (U) Electrical power at King Fahd International Airport
          (KFIA), SA, is obtained from the Saudi Consolidated Electric Company (SCECO)
          main power plant located in the city of Qatif. As a back-up to commercial
          power, SCECO purchased a diesel generator in the event of damage to the power
          station. Qatif is located approximately 30Km southeast of KFIA. Be power
          lines run from the main power plant to a sub-station located approximately 25
          km south of KFIA boundary.  From the sub-station, two 69 kilovolt power lines
          proceed above ground on wooden poles to KFIA in separate directions. Line one
          heads north directly to KFIA, while the second line heads northwest then
          proceeds east until it reaches be south boundary of KFIA. From there, lines
          one and two end at a junction terminal and proceed separately underground
          until reaching the KFIA substation. Be KFIA sub-station is located in
          building UA-00, on the east side of the airport. The sub-station-is
          surrounded by an eight foot concrete wall, with a mechanical vehicle
          entrance/exit gate located on the east (middle) and southeast corner of the
          wall. These gates are closed at all times. Within the facility there are two
          buildings. One contains the control room for the entire KFIA power grid and
          two 1.2 megawatt generators.- The second building houses the sub-station
          transformers, which are surrounded by a chain-linked fence to protect

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