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File: 120596_aacxn_12.txt
Page: 12
Total Pages: 25

         personnel from being electrocuted.   During normal hours of operation,
         0700-1900, there are approximstely four personnel on duty: the sub-station
           power dispatcher (nationality - Australian), and three TCNs (Fillipinos)
           During the night, no personnel are on duty from the power company. USAF
           Security Police provide two personnel for interior security and two personnel
           for exterior security. The KFIA sub-station provides power to all KFIA
           facilities, including the KFIA control tower, water purification plant, water
         pumping station, sewage plant, main terminal building whichs houses various
          mission essential elements, and flightline facilities. As an alternate source
          of power, the USAF has ten L-750 KW generators. Currently only eight
         Generators are being used on a 24 hour basis to provide Tent City power. Once
         the proper equipment arrives, USAF Civil Engineers will be changing over from
          generator to commercial power.

           SECURITY ASSESSMENT: (U) Physical security for the sub-station
           is sufficient during normal duty hours and under the current THREATCOH
           Charlie -

           --COMMUNICATION: (U) The USAF has multiple modes of communication.
           These modes are best described as layers. The outer layer is the most
           vulnerable, while the inner layer the most secure. The followlng are the
           modes of communication, which are listed (starting) from the outer layer and
          working inward:

          COMMERCIAL TELEPHOHES: (U) Commercial telephones on KFIA are
           operated by contractors. The primary eontraetor is SABCO, and the
          subcontractor is DATAC, INC. Presently, there are 975 telephone lines for
          on-installation use only and 20 telephone lines for off-installation use.
          Presently, TCNs and local nationals operate the switches and switchboard.
         Thus, these TCHs are capable of monitoring all commercial calls on KFIA. The
          commercial telephone cables are all underground. The commercial telephone
          main switch and a fifty foot microwave tower (microwave station), which
          transmits all off-installation calls by microwave, is located at the Pioneer
         Support Offices, KFIA. This area is generally unsecure (1.e. unlocked gate
          and no on-site security) If this microwave station were damaged, no
          off-installation commercial telephone calls would be possible. Tbe microwave
          signsls from KFIA are subsequently transmitted to microwave stations located
          inN Qatif and Ad Damman. These microwave stations are secure, with security
           guards on site. It is estimated there are approxiamtely 20 commecial lines
          equipped with STU IIIs on KFIA
          LAND MOBILE RADIOS (LMR): (U) There are two types of LMRs on
          KFIA. The most vonerable LMRs on KFIA are the LMRB leased from GENlEC
           Company, SA  (NOTE: These radios-are used by Security PoliceFoliee personnel).
           Presently, there are approximately 230 leased LMRs. These LMRs transmit on
          one frequency and receive on another frequency. This two frequency
           configuration allows easy monitoring. Further, these leased LMRs are
           controlled by tbe contractor (GEHTEC)and not the mi1itary, and there is no
          encryption ability. Tbe LMR repeater station is located on KFIA and is
          controlled by GENTEC.  the second type of LMRs are the LMRs

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