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File: 120596_aacxn_13.txt
Page: 13
Total Pages: 25

          organizations/units brought when deploying to KFIA. Presently, most
          organizations/units do not have repeater stations. Subsequently, the range 1s
          limited to 5 or 6 miles (Note: Repeaters stations are being constructed).
          Most Command officials at KFIA have the Motorola Saber III radios; however,
          tbe equipment needed ror encryption is not available.

          There are approximately 250 "TAC" telephone lines on KFIA. Most "TAC"
          telephone cable lines are six inches underground. Power generators provide
         the required power. Secure "TAC" communication is possible with KY68s, and
         electronic messages can be encrypted. The "TAC" calls (off-insta11ation) and
          electrical messages are processed through a telephone switch ("AN/TTC-39A")
        and a message van ("AN/TGC-27"), respectively. Subsequently, the
        communication is transmitted via an "AN/TSQ-III CNCE" to either satellite
         ("SATCOM AN/TSC-94A") or a seoure microwave station ("AN/TRC-170"). All
         above critical links in the "TAC" communication and electrical messages are
        manned twenty-four hours per day and fortified with barriers, sandbags, and
         fences. Hence, all critical links in the "TAC" communication and electrical
        message transmissions are secure and guarded.

              HF RADIO SYSTEMS: (U) HF radio systems are used for long range
         communications. Presently, there are three HF radio systems on KFIA, which
         include the fbllowing: The first system is "Pacer Bounce". This system is
         located at the Wing Operations Center (WOC). The WOC is heavily fortified
         with barriers, sandbags, bunkers, chainlink fences, and SPS entry controllers.
         The second system is the Military Affilated Radio System (MARS). The third
         system is loaded on the "AH/MRC-107", which is a mobile communication center.
       Encrypted/secure communication on HF radio is possible with encryption gear
       (KY65). HF radios are susceptible to jamming. All HF radio systems are on
         (primary) generator power or have back-up generator power.

             UHF and VHF: (U) UHF and VHF are used for ground to air
           communications.  The communication range for UHF and VHF is from 60 to 90
       miles. UHF and VHF radios are located at the WOC, all flying squadrons, at the
        air control tower, and on two mobile units. Also, the "AN/MRC 107" has a UHF
        and VHF capabilitly. All UHF and VHF radio systems are on (primary) generator
       power or have back-up generator power. Some radios are encrypted using KY-57
       Vinson encryption equipment.

                        TACTICAL SATELLITE COMMuHICATION: (U) Tactical Satellite
         Communication, "Hammer Rick", is the most secure mode of communication on
           KFIA. Secure voice and facsimile communication is possible. The "Hammer
        Rick" is located at the WOC. There are no assessed jamming threats. "Hammer 
        Rick's" primary purpose is to communicate with CENTAF Battle Staff. Power is
        maintained from multiple sources, including generators and batteries.


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