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File: 120596_aacxn_15.txt
Page: 15
Total Pages: 25


         --BILLETING: SUPPORT PERSONNEL (U) Bil1eting at tent city
         provides quarters for approximately 5,068 military personnel, the vast
         majority of whom are USAF personnel. There are approximately 482 tents with
         an average of 11 people in each tent. Presently, OA-10 pilots are billeted in
         tent numbers G-101, G-102, G-301 and G-302; A-10 pilots are billeted in
         0-205-207, O305-307, A-205-207 and A-304-307; and F-16 pilots are billeted in
         S-401-407. The perimeter surrounding tent city is fortified with three rows
         (strands) of barbed (concertina) wire (i.e., two strends on the bottom and one
         strand on the top) and a series of embankments and connecting trenches.
         Entrance and exit are through three ECPs, which are manned by security police.
        The ECPs are fbrtified with concrete barricades. The ECP details are armed
        and have LMRs. All tents have adjacent sandbag bunkers. There are also bomb
         bunkers inside tbe perimeter of tent city, which are being constructed for
         additional protection. In order to alert personnel, Giant Voice speakers are
         located within tent-city. Also, a Security Police Law Enforcement Desk, an
         Air Tactical Hbspital, and a Fire Station are located withtn tent city; these
         facilities are always in operation and manned. There are roving Security
         Police units who patrol the inner perimeter as well as areas outside the
         perimeter. During the night, there is a two man Security Police walking
         patrol within the perimeter and a Security Police K-9 patrol who completes an
         inner/outer perimeter check twice nightly. During the day, there are two
         Security Policemen on two of the ECPs and one on the third. There are two (two
         man) roving patrols, but no walking patrols during the day. TCNs are allowed
         into tent city to perform tasks, which include trash pick-up, sewage and
         sanitation services, janitorial services, and deliveries. The TCNs are
      escorted and supervised by military personnel (services) the entire time they
      are in tent city.

  - BILLETING CAMPS 3 and 4 (MAC): (U) Billeting at Camps 3 and 4
  provides quarters for approximately 827 military personnel from numerous MAC
  elements, using 128 various size tents. This area, located just west of the
  MABCO compound, began construction 7 Jan 91 to accommodate up to 400
  personnel. Hbwever, at one point this area had over 1200 personnel residing
 in it. Currently, pilots are billeted in 20 tents located in A-D (1-5).  The
  perimeter surrounding the camp on three sides is fortified with three rows of
  concertina wire and a series of embankments, concrete barricades, and
  connecting trenches. The west perimeter, although within a secured area, has
  no established ECP to limit access of non-military personnel from the
  compound.  All tents have adjacent sandbag bunkers. There are also bomb
   bunkers inside the perimeter ot the camp for additional protection. The east
  perimeter has concrete barricades, trenches and concertilla wire the 1ength of
  the perimeter except for one area (the size of a two lane road). This area
  only has concertina wire.

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