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File: 120596_aacxn_16.txt
Page: 16
Total Pages: 25

   --BILLETING: IAP COMPOUHD (U) Bi11eting at the IAP Compound
   provides quarters for approximately 440 military personnel and 571 TCNs.
   There are approximately 274 trailers with one and two man rooms in each.
   There are no ECPs dedicated to the IAP Compound. However, the compound is
   located within a secured perimeter and numerous ECPs, manned with armed
   Security Police pesonnel, restrict access to only civilian personnel who
 reside or work within the compound. TCNs living within the compound must
  adhere to a 2200 curfew. TCNs are required to wear their identification card
   so that it is displayed. The perimeter of the compound is fortified with
   concertina wire and berms. Roadways are brooked with berms and concertina
   wire. Security Police have no walking patrols within the compound, but there
   are two (two man) roving patrols on the compound. In addition, a K-9 patrol
   checks the area twice daily

   --TRANSPORTATION: (U) Transportation is provided by the 354th TFW/
   Transportation. The physical security for the transportation compound
   includes a (24 hours per day) roving Supply or Transportation two man unit,
   armed with M-16s and LMRs. Also, additional security is provided by a
   ascurity police entry control point and a roving (24 hours per day) security
   police two man unit, which normally patrols the outside perimeter of the
   supply/transportation compound. The transportation vehicle operations area
   has  additonal security with transportation personnel performing guard mounts,
   24 hours per day. The compound's perimeter is further enhanced by barriers,
   cyclone fences, and barbed wire. In THREATCON "Charlie," the entire compound
   has controlled access. The rfllowing is a breakdown fr the major 354
   TFW/transportation components:

   VEHICLE OPERATIONS: (U ) Transportation consists of
   approximately 694 leased vehicles and 706 military vehicles. The leased
   vehicles which include cars, trucks, buses, tractor trai1ers, and heavy
   equipment vehicles are leased through SA rental compantes. Maintenance for
   the leased vehicles is provided by the contraotors, and the maintenance and
   repairs are accomplished by TCNs. These repairs accomplished by TCNs are
   under the direct watch and supervision of military personnel. These repairs
  are made approximately 1 to 5 times a day, excluding Fridays, in a designated
   area within the Transportation Vehicle Compound, away from military
   operations. There are West F1ight Line to "Tiger Beach" bus routes, which
   travel the same routes and leave at routine 15 minutes intervals. Due to the
   conjested traffic on KFIA, the buses soon after leaving, establish staggered
   time intervals. USAF personnel are the only passengers allowed on the buses.
    Security Police conduct identification/restricted area badge cheeks of all
   personnel entering the flightline, cantonment, and "Tiger Beach" areas.
   Long-haul transportation is provided to and from King Khalid Military City,
   SA, approximately 2 to 4 times per month. Both leased and military tractor
   trai1ers are used for long-haul routes. There are always two vehicle
 operators, who wear uniforms. Normally, both vehicle operators are armed with
   M-16s and 120 rounds Of amunition each. These long-hauls are all non-stop.
   Thus, the vehicle operators relieve each other to eat MREs. Normally, the
   tractor-trailers have sufficent fue1 capacity to make a trip without
 refueling. In addition to the bus routes and long-hauls, there are shorter

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