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File: 120596_aacxn_22.txt
Page: 22
Total Pages: 25

            1 . (U ) FUEL:

            a. (U) Fuel resupply at KFIA is contingent upon the constant
            resupply by above ground pipelines that run through sparsely populated areas
            which are difficult to monitor.

            b. (U) USAF personnel must be prepared to operate the bulk
            storage plant and associated equipment, such as the hydrant trucks.

            c. (U) Some revetments for R-9 trucks are not high enough to
             cover the trucks.                                                   

            d. (U) SAMAREC fuel delivery trucks park too closely to the bulk
            storage area ECP.

            e. (U) There are no revetments along the fuel unloading points
            located on the northeast side of the Fuels Bulk Storage Area.
           f. (U) Illumination along the perimeter makes the POL visible
           from a considerable distance away during the hours of darkness (NOTE: POL
           personnel attempted to turn the lights off; however, Security Police personnel
           requested the lights remain on).

                      RECOMMENDATIONS: (U)

           a. (U) USAF Fuels Personnel should maintain proficiency in the
           use of equipment at the bulk storage plant and associated host nation
           equipment, should the evacuation of civilians require them to take charge of
           all fuel operations.

          b. (U) Designate a parking area at least 200 yards from the bulk
	storage ECP where fuel trucks must wait to enter the compound.

           c. (U) Instructions on how to turn off the perimeter lighting
           should be posted in the main ECP. All inner perimeter security personnel
           should know how to turn off the perimeter lighting system during emergency

	NOTE: (U) Fuels personnel are working on these recommendations.


               a. (U) At the beginning of the war, RAPCON personnel provided
         owner/user security on a 24 hour basis. After two weeks of no incidents at
         KFIA, RAPCON personnel quit providing security for their area. In
         coordination with Security Police, RAPCON will be notified by landline of

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