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File: 120596_aacxn_23.txt
Page: 23
Total Pages: 25

     threats to KFIA.
         b.(U) No barbed wire has been installed around the facility.

       	a. (U) RAPCON personnel should use their break period outside
         observing the west perimeter for vehicle and personnel approaches. At night,
         personnel  should use night vision devices to assist them in observing the

         3. PILOT BILLETING: ( U )
      	  a. (U) The MABCO compound is located outside of established inner
        base perimeter security. The compounds which border MABCO on the north and
         south house TCN contractor personnel.
       	 b.(U) The single strand of concertina wire on top of the
         perimeter wall presents little problem for someone wishing to crawl over the
      	  c. (U) The east exterior (rear) of the compound is poorly lit at
         night and there are no obstructions preventing individuals or vehicles from
        approaching this perimeter wall.
 	      d. (U) Pilots and aircrews are housed closely together in a
       relatively small area of the compound.

              RECOMMENDATIONS (U)

 	  a. (U) Increase the amount of concertina wire on top of the
        perimeter wall to prevent easy access to the compound, especially on the east,
         north and south walls.
  	      b. (U) Increase evening lighting outside the east portion (rear)
         of the compound.
      	      c. (U)  Disperse pilots and aircrew throughout the compound or
         provide a more hardened living environment for protection.

         4. COMMUNICATIONS: (U)
        a. (U) Practice good ''OPSEC" and "COMSEC" procedures, especially
        b. (U) If possible, use only military members to operate the
       commercial telephone switches and the switchboard. Note: For military to
        control the switchboard, discussions with the commercial telephone company and
        host country government would be necessary. Additional qualified manpower and
        equipment would be needed to make the transition.    

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