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File: 120596_aacxn_24.txt
Page: 24
Total Pages: 25

	c. (U) Fortify and increase security in the immediate area
  surrounding the commercial microwave stations.

             d. (U) Report all suspected jamming of HF radios.


              1. BILLETING - SUPPORT PERSONNEL: ( U )

                 a. (U) TENT CITY: Increase the nighttime lighting in the
       northeast areas of tent city.
                 b. (U) CAMPS 3 and 4:
                     (1) (U) Block the two-land road approaching the east
        perimeter with concrete barricades, or continue the trench which starts/stops
        on either side of the road.
                     (2) (U) Put concertina wire and concrete barricades along the 
         west perimeter and establish an ECP using either Security Police or personnel
                    (3) (U) Decrease lighting within the camp and increase
        lighting outside the perimeter of the camp.
                c (U) IAP COMPOUND:
                 (1) (U) Increase perimeter lighting on the south portion of
         the compound. 
                (2) (U) Coordinate with IAP management and insure TCNs wear
       their identification badges on outer garments. 
               (3) (U) Post a Security Police unit on the south perimeter.

          2. TRANSPORTATION: (U )

                a. (U) Visually check all unattended vehicles [or explosives
          prior to starting.
                b. (U) Increase lighting 1n the Transportation/Supply compound.
                c. (U) Use bomb-detection dogs to check packages that arrive from
          unknown senders or to non-specific addressees.

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