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File: 120596_aacym_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 11

-- Wearability:

           --- Some decrease in effectiveness of TSP after washing protected area
               with a volume of water 500 times that of the volume of TSP applied and
               allowing to dry 1 hour prior to HD exposure. (Lesion area reduction
               decreased from 89% to 74% for a 1 hour exposure and from 83 to 51% for
               a 2 hour exposure compared to unprotected control) (Atch 3)
           --- In human testing under environmental conditions equivalent to the
  	 Saudi Arabian environment, (111 degrees F, 20% relative humidity, 5
     	 mph wind) Multi Shield on the human forearm provided up to 70%
         	protection against liquid or vapor exposures for a 0.2 mm layer and
              40% protection for a 0.1 mm layer following 1 hour simulant challenges
             as long as 8 hours after Multi Shield application. (Atch 4)
        -- Operational Considerations:

           --- No compromise of chemical mask seal in 22 volunteers undergoing a
               battery of tests and exercises in a simulant chamber after applying
               Multi Shield to the face.
         -- - No compromise of effectiveness of the M258A1 or M291 decontamination
               kits when used in the presence of Multi Shield. (Atch 5)
            --- Some limited potential interference with chemical agent detectors:
        ---- False positive response for G agents in the M8A1, XM88 and CAM
               detectors, but only on the most sensitive scale and when the
               elapsed time for sensing was considerably longer than that
                normally required to detect agents.
         ---- Positive G response on M8 paper approximately 30 minutes after
               contact with Multi Shield.

         -- Safety and Toxicity Testing:

           --- No evidence of irritancy following dermal patch testing in shaved
           --- No apparent toxicity following ingestion of high doses (5 gm/km) in
         --- Minor discomfort and possible minor eye irritation after eye exposure
             in manufacturer's testing; in Army tests, no indication of irritation
              following placement of Multi Shield in rabbit eyes.
          --- In use "over the counter" in us since 1985 with no adverse affects

         -- FDA Status: DoD submission of Investigational New Drug (IND) application
             for use of Multi Shield for protection against mustard injury scheduled
             4 Oct 90; Army protocol review scheduled 10 Oct; quick action expected due
             to urgent need in support of Operation DESERT SHIELD. 

         -- Utilization Estimates: Approximately 1 oz per application (based on 1300
            sq cm coverage for neck, wrists, and ankles with a 0.1 to 0.2mm  layer;
           specific gravity of 1 g/cc and estimating 10% wastage). Under conditions
         of MOPP 1, 2 to 3 applications per day would probably be needed but

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