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File: 120596_aadab_06.txt
Page: 06
Total Pages: 25

quartered in off-base facilities, all personnel living at Y-west,
Y-east and A1 Gaim were moved back onto King Fahad Air Base proper,
increasing the residency of Airport 2, Tent City and the expanded
Tent City Annex.  Travel off-base was curtailed, [(b)(1)sec(b)(6)]

	All Security Police were housed in the logistics bays of
aircraft shelters, in order to ensure rapid mobilization of
security forces. As the deadline passed, a large number of
personnel augmented the normal security forces, increasing manning
at security posts and for roving patrols. [(b)(1)sec3.4(b)(5)]

the completion of these added security measures, the base was fully
poised for any terrorist attacks which might precede or follow the
start of hostilities.

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