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File: 120596_aadab_07.txt
Page: 07
Total Pages: 25


Since the 48 TFWP F-1llF fleet used high precision guided
weapons, tasking for the wing would probably include Iraqi chemical
and biological warfare facilities, reducing the ability of Iraq to
use nonconventional weapons in a war with the United States and its
coalition partners. Strikes on chemical and biological targets
could expose the attacking aircraft to contamination, requiring a
decontamination plan. Civil engineering, air base operability and
medical personnel worked together to design and implement a
decontamination plan to protect against chemical and biological
agents on returning aircraft from posing a danger to the base

Prior to the start of hostilities, the wing performed a
test to determine how much contamination would remain on the
aircraft by the time they reached the home station. This test used
talcum powder to simulate contamination, since it had many of the

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