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File: 120596_aadab_13.txt
Page: 13
Total Pages: 25

The first group of F-lllF aircraft, line numbers 01
through 06, attacked the Balad airfield in Iraq. Aircraft 390,
with the call sign Charger 03 and crewed by Colonel Lennon and
Captain Williams, carried two GBU-15 optically guided bombs and two
AIM-9 air-to-air missiles. Charger 03 did not expend the AIM-9
missiles, as no enemy aircraft were in the area.   Both bombs were
released, however, with one bomb scoring a direct hit on an
aircraft hangar. [(b)91)sec3.4(b)(4)]

	Aircraft 448, call sign Charger 04, also carried a
load of two AIM-9 missiles and two GBU-15 bombs, while Charger 05
through -Charger 08 carried four CBU-89 cluster bombs on each air-
craft. Charger 04 also did not use it's AIM-9 missiles and expend-
ed both GBU-15's. One of the guided bombs bit the base's opera-
tions tower,     [(b)(l) sec 3.4(b)(4)]

	Charger 05 released all four CBU-89 bombs in a radar toss
delivery    [(b)(l) sec 3.4(b)(4)]	
					The bombs missed
[(b)(l) sec 3.4(b)(4)]
  to the left. The next aircraft, Charger 06 , 07 and 08, also
performed radar toss deliveries of CBU-89 bombs. Although Charger
08 released only two of its bombs and not all of the bombs released
scored direct hits. all six of the aircraft in Charger flight had
missions rated as successful, as they released munitions and dam-
aged the airfield at Balad.	'

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