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File: 120596_aadab_14.txt
Page: 14
Total Pages: 25

	Another group of aircraft, call signs Buck 31 through
Buck 34, attacked facilities at Qalat Salih. All four aircraft
carried four CBU-89 cluster bombs each, with each aircraft
successfully releasing all four bombs. Buck 31 made a radar
delivery of munitions against Iraqi Scud missile facilities, as did
Buck 33. Buck 32 hit chemical weapons bunkers at Qualat Salih, and
the last aircraft, Buck 34, bombed a storage dump. Buck 34 had
more Scud sites as a primary target, but had to bomb its secondary
target instead.  All four missions were rated as successful.

	A flight of six F-lllF aircraft were sent against the Ali
al Salem airfield, with these aircraft using the call signs Seahawk
21 through Seahawk 26. All six aircraft carried two GBU-24 guided
bombs each. Two of the aircraft, Seahawk 22 and Seahawk 24,
encountered air aborts before reaching the target area, leaving
only four aircraft in Seahawk flight to attack the airfield. The
remaining aircraft all released munitions and had successful
sorties, although Seahawk 25 had one bomb which would not release.
Seahawks 21 and 23 hit shelters at the airfield, while Seahawks 25
and 26 hit Scud launchers at Ali al Salem.

	The next aircraft package in the first wave, Viking-
flight, consisted of only two aircraft. Both Viking 51 and Viking
52 carried loads of GBU-24 bombs and AIM-9 missiles. Their target
consisted of Scud missile sites at Ahmed A1 Jaber. Viking 51
obtained a direct hit on the site for a successful sortie,


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