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File: 120596_aadab_17.txt
Page: 17
Total Pages: 25

	A flight of four aircraft using the call signs Cowboy 35
through Cowboy 38 attacked bunkers at A1 Salman North, with all
four aircraft obtaining successful hits with GBU-24 guided bombs.
The strike inflicted heavy damage on the site, destroying several
shelters.  Cowboy 38 had one dud bomb, but the three other bombs
dropped by the aircraft each destroyed a bunker.

	The last flight of the first wave hit biological weapon
bunkers at two location The flight, consisting of Buck 61
through Buck 66, all carried four CBU-89 bombs on each aircraft.
The first four aircraft in the flight attacked bunkers at Ad
Diwaniyah while the other two had biological ammunition bunker at
Ash Shuaybah as primary target. Two of the four aircraft assigned
to Ad Diwaniyab air aborted
		[(b)(l) sec 3.4(b)(4)]
remaining two aircraft successfully truck the target, and both
aircraft assigned to Ash Shuaybah logged successful missions
against the biological munitions storage facilities.

	Despite the expected maintenance problems, antiaircraft
defense over the target area and the stress associated with
flying what was for most crew the  first combat mission, the wing
had a remarkable success rate in its first F-lllF attack of
Operation Desert Storm The fleet succeeded in destroying a number
of high priority targets, reducing Iraq 's chemical and biological
warfare capability early in the air war. The attacks also
diminished command and control capability of Iraqi forces and
put airfield out-of commission.

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