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File: 120596_aadab_16.txt
Page: 16
Total Pages: 25

	Three aircraft, two loaded with GBU-24's and one with
CBU-87 munitions, made up Charger flight. Two of the aircraft had
successful sorties against chemical weapons bunkers at A1 Jarrah.
Charger 75 and Charger 77 hit the target,


	Buck  67, carrying CBU 89s, and Buck 68, loaded with GBU
24 munitions, were launched against biological warfare facilities
at Kardala. Buck 68 experienced an air abort [(b)(1)3.4(b)(4)]

	with Buck 67 continuing on to the target and successfully
hitting biological weapons storage areas.

	A flight consisting of Ram 41 through Ram 44 had four
successful sorties against biological warfare bunkers at Salman
Pak. All four aircraft carried four CBU-89 bombs and each released
all four weapons. Ram 44 hit its target with the first bomb, then
used the other three on targets of opportunity in the Salman Pak

	The four aircraft of Buck flight also had all successful
sorties against biological warfare facilities. Buck 71 through
Buck 74 hit biological weapons bunkers at A1 Nasiriyay, each air
craft expending four CBU-89 cluster bombs against the biological
storage areas.

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