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File: 120596_aadab_19.txt
Page: 19
Total Pages: 25

flight, Packer 21 through 24, attacked bunkers at Wadi al Khirr and
logged three successful missions out of four sorties flown.
Packers 41, 42, 43 and 44 hit Scud missile bunkers at A1 Salman
airfield: with all four sorties rated as successful. The third
flight, consisting of Redskin 45 through Redskin 48, had the Tikrit
summer house of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein as a target. Three
of these aircraft had unsuccessful missions due to such problems as
a ground abort, a Pave Tack malfunction and a MiG-29 intercept
throwing off a bombing run.   Redskin 45, however, managed to guide
a GBU-15 through the skylight of the building.  An Nuymanjah
airfield was the target of Charger flight, although two of the four
aircraft encountered air aborts and the remaining two missed with
their bombs, leaving all four sorties as unsuccessful. The four
aircraft using the call signs Redskin 0l through Redskin 04 had A1
Jarrah airfield as a target. All four aircraft had unsuccessful
sorties, with two of them unable to drop bombs and the other two
missing the target due to clouds. The last flight of the second
wave had only two successful missions out of six aircraft
scheduled.  Buck 51 had a ground abort

[(b)(1)sec3.4(b)(4)]		Buck 53 missed its
target     [(b)(1)sec3.4(b)(4)]           and Buck 55 had to
maneuver to avoid AAA fire	[(b)(1)sec3.4(b)(4)]

	The remaining two aircraft, Buck 52 and Buck 56,
succeeded in hitting the target 	[(b)(1)sec3.4(b)(1)]
Secondary explosions confirmed destruction of at least some of the
Scud missiles stored at the site.

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