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File: 120596_aadab_20.txt
Page: 20
Total Pages: 25

aircraft received damage, heavy flak over the target area forced
them to take evasive actions during the bombing run, precluding the
crew from guiding the bombs effectively to the target. Other
reasons for unsuccessful missions included three Pave Tack
[(b)(l)sec 3.4 (b)(4)]

					In these last
two cases, the crew managed to bomb secondary targets.

	Targets for, the wave included such high priority sites as
chemical bunkers at A1 Taqaddam, bunkers and shelters at Balad
Airfield, bunkers and barracks at H3, petroleum pumping and
switching stations at H2, chemical bunkers at A1 Habbaniyah,
biological warfare bunkers at A1 Fallujah and Scud missile sites at
Ali A1 Salem airfield. The six successful sorties of the wave
included hits on H3 by Seahawk 38, POL facilities at H2 by Bronco
33, chemical bunkers at A1 Habbaniyah by both Patriot 01 and
Patriot 02,	[(b)(l)sec 3.4 (b)(4)]

	Munitions carried by the aircraft mostly consisted of
GBU-24 guided bombs, with CBU-89 cluster bombs used by about
one quarter of the missions.

	The second wave of the day, flown on the night of 18/19
January, included twenty-nine F-lllF fighters and eight EF-lllA
"Ravens."  ' The wing successfully launched all aircraft in this
 wave, with no ground aborts. Only four of the F-lllF sorties were
rated as successful, for a success rate of fourteen percent. Most
of the other aircraft had to abort their missions,

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