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File: 120596_aadab_25.txt
Page: 25
Total Pages: 25


Media Coverage

(U) When Operation Desert Storm began, a press pool visited
King Fahad Air Base to cover wartime operations. The pool included
reporters from the print media as well as radio and television.
The reporters were chaperoned around base by Captain Robert Thomp-
son and the Public Affairs staff, allowing the press pool to have
access to areas of interest while keeping them away from classified
and sensitive operations. Several problems developed for the press
during their visit. Limited communications capability prevented
the pool from filing their reports in a timely manner, thus the
news was outdated by the time they could forward it. Also, airlift
problems left the pool stranded on base for two days, preventing
them from moving on to other parts of the country that they wanted
to cover. Eventually the team caught a cargo aircraft for another
location, and the reporters were able to file their reports after
communications improved after the first few days of the war.

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