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File: 120596_aadab_24.txt
Page: 24
Total Pages: 25

Other Activities

(U)  As the threat of war approached, and after the
hostilities actually began, the services squadron adjusted the
dining facility hours to better serve the base population. One of
the most important changes was that Kelly's, the smaller mess tent
in Tent City, was switched exclusively to aircrew feeding. This
change came about to ensure that crews preparing for missions or
returning from combat sorties could get their meals at any hour of
the day or night. Additionally, bag lunches were begun for the
noon meal at tent city allowing a section to pick up meals for its
personnel whose work schedules would not allow them to leave their
duty sections for lunch. Initially, a hot lunch would continue at
Airport 2, but plans called for this mess facility to also 
change to a box lunch in the future. Further services plans called
for the hot meal offered for midnight to later switch to a box
lunch at all facilities


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